Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Using USHAHIDI as a tool for Hatian recovery

Field communications in Haiti. ICE-SAR photo

One of the greatest challenges during a disaster is communication.  Responders don't know what is going on, or who else is responding.  They don't know where the problems are, or how to get there.  

What's needed is a "marketplace" where outside responders, plus local citizens, can find and take initiative to fix problems.  It needs to be a real-time market, where everyone can follow the progress of problem resolution, just as traders follow the stock market.  USHAHIDI is a technology that can create that "marketplace."

In the first days of a disaster, locating resources for rescue teams is ta top prority.

Resources USHAHIDI can report
  • Location of transportation resources
  • Undamaged stores with crucial supplies for recovery personnel--like batteries, disinfectant, gasoline
  • Functioning public phones or internet locations
  • Food and water distribution points

Locating transport was one of the first challenges for the Icelandic rescue team.  ICE-SAR photo.

Report these problems to USHAHIDI
  • Places with bodies to dispose
  • Damaged buildings in need of inspectors
  • Locations of injured people to transport
  • Locations of injured people who need follow-up visits by nurses
  • Downed electric wires
  • Toxic spills or other dangers
  • Water sources that need testing for safety
  • Electric infrastructure in need of repair
  • Streets that need clearing
  • Locations of orphans or others who need care
  • Stores being looted
  • People who have left town can post a report saying where they have gone. This can help with the disposal of empty houses and contact with relatives. Authorities can find out if people who lived at a house are all dead--or just fled.
In short, USHAHIDI can function like the Yellow Pages for a disaster zone--and it can be updated in real time by anyone--as conditions change.

Who does the reporting?

Anyone can report problems, by cellphone or internet. 
Workers or citizens in the field can report GPS locations of problems on smart phones.

How you can help

The best thing people outside Haiti can do now is donate funds to responsible relief agencies.

Nevertheless, having done that, you can participate directly on USHAHIDI by doing things like culling through media photos, and trying to match them with photos of missing persons.  Is this way, you help people find their loved ones.  Link

Command post for the Icelandic rescue team.  USHAHIDI will make these kind of organizing maps and lists shared and available to more people. They were on the internet shortly after arrival. ICE-SAR photo.

Link to USHAHIDI home page.
Blog about USHAHIDI
More photos of Icelandic Search and Rescue in action in Haiti.